Local retired teachers group to meet
Submitted information
The Van Wert Area Retired Teachers Association will meet for a holiday luncheon program at 12 p.m. Friday, December 8, at Willow Bend Country Club.
The festive luncheon menu will include roast turkey with dressing, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, gelatin salad, dinner roll with butter, and a peppermint mousse dessert, along with coffee and tea. The meal cost is $11 per person and a reservation is required by 6 p.m. Wednesday, December 6. Meal reservations can be made by calling Jean Minnig at 419.203.0642 or by email, jaminnig@hotmail.com.
A Christmas message will be shared, followed by a brief business session. VWARTA dues of $10 can be paid at this meeting, if not already submitted. VWARTA members are requested to submit their volunteer hours total to this meeting for collection. STRS pension news will be shared along with other ORTA updates/business.
For more information on membership in the Ohio Retirement for Teachers (ORTA), or the local Van Wert Area Retired Teachers Association, contact Acting President Deb Kleinhenz at 419.203.2283.
POSTED: 12/02/23 at 12:04 am. FILED UNDER: Lifestyles, News