The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Jun. 21, 2024

GOP Chairman to serve as delegate

Submitted information

OTTAWA — District 1 Republican State Central Committeeman and Putnam County GOP Chairman Tony J. Schroeder announced that he has been selected to serve as a delegate for President Donald J. Trump at the 2024 Republican National Convention to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 15-18.

Tony J. Schroeder

Delegates to the Republican National Convention are chosen to represent their states at this formal ceremony where they will adopt the GOP party platform and officially select the Republican party candidate for President of the United States. To win the nomination, a presidential candidate must receive support from a majority of the delegates.

“It’s truly an honor to have been selected as a delegate to the Republican National Convention from Ohio’s 5th Congressional District,” Schroeder stated. “I had the pleasure of introducing a resolution at the State Central Committee’s December, 2023 meeting calling for the Ohio Republican Party’s endorsement of President Donald J. Trump and was delighted to see that resolution was easily passed by the Committee. I now look forward to attending our Party’s National Convention in July to cast my vote for President Trump on behalf of all my fellow Republicans throughout Ohio, so that he officially becomes our Party’s nominee for President of the United States.”

POSTED: 01/09/24 at 6:59 am. FILED UNDER: News