The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Dec. 6, 2024

BOE approves contracts, hears reports

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

Administrative contracts were at the forefront of Wednesday’s meeting of the Van Wert City Schools Board of Education.

The board approved three-year contracts (August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2027) for Early Childhood Center Principal Lori Bittner,  Middle School Assistant Principal Ben Collins, Van Wert School at the Goedde Director Rhonda Cunningham, High School Assistant Principal Ryan Parrish, school psychologist Sarah Smith, and Elementary School Assistant Principal Tracy Wehner.

Superintendent Mark Bagley delivers his monthly report to the school board. Scott Truxell/VW independent

Other personnel items were approved during the meeting, including Jon Okuly and Lorie Honigford, custodial maintenance workers; Heidi Kline, elementary school paraprofessional; Michelle Miller and Emily Colgan, early childhood center paraprofessionals; Ashley Showalter, high school girls soccer head coach; Freddy Rodriguez, high school girls soccer assistant; Avery Cowan and Katie Karl, middle school volleyball, and Ben Collins, middle school volunteer football assistant. Board members also approved a long list of summer staff members.

The board accepted three resignations – fifth grade teacher Drew Bittner, Annie Eggleston, middle school paraprofessional and Lisa Bracken, early childhood center paraprofessional.

During his report to the board, Superintendent Mark Bagley noted 161 seniors will graduate on Sunday and he said he’ll be working with the administrative team this summer to develop a districtwide cell phone policy, as required by House Bill 250. A policy already exists at Van Wert High School.

“The bottom line is during the school day they (cell phones) should be in lockers,” he said.

He also said the district is still looking to fill two teaching positions – a fifth grade spot and one at the Van Wert School at the Goedde.

Assistant Superintendent Bob Priest noted the playground at the Early Childhood Center will be closed starting today while crews replace playground equipment. The playground should re-open by July 1.

Safety team presentative Greg Blackmore said an active shooter drill will be held at the high school/middle school on Saturday, June 29. So far, 100 students have volunteered to be part of the exercise.

Under financial matters, the board approved the latest five-year financial forecast and the transfer of $2 million from the general fund to the capital projects fund.

The board also approved several other agenda items, including:

  • A list of graduates for the Class of 2024.
  • A contract to Buschur Electric Inc. for fire alarm replacement at the Van Wert School at the Goedde.
  • A deed of easement from the YMCA of Van Wert County for a small piece of property near Eggerss Stadium.
  • Several overnight trips for the high school band and athletic teams.

The board also met in executive session to discuss the employment of public personnel but outside of adjournment, no action was taken afterward.

The next meeting of the Van Wert City Schools Board of Education will be held at 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 26, in the First Federal Lecture Hall at the Niswonger Performing Arts Center.

POSTED: 05/23/24 at 3:37 am. FILED UNDER: News