The Van Wert County Courthouse

Saturday, Jun. 15, 2024

No elevator at Eggerss Stadium in 2024

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

There’s plenty of good news about renovation work at Eggerss Stadium and a bit of disappointing news about a key part of the project.

During Wednesday’s Van Wert school board meeting, Superintendent Mark Bagley gave an update on Phase II of the massive renovation project and said much of the work is on schedule and some cases, ahead of schedule. The second phase of the project is expected to be complete by August 15, one day before the Cougars host Crestview in their final scrimmage of the preseason.

Crews work on the new elevator shaft at Eggerss Stadium. Scott Truxell/VW independent

“The steel for the (new) press box arrived two weeks early,” Bagley stated. “The concrete pad underneath is going to be complete, the restrooms will be complete and the concession stand will be complete. If you look from behind right now, they’re building the elevator cocoon (shaft) where the elevator fits in and that’s near completion right now. The landing in front of the press box will be complete and the press box itself will be completed;”

He said there is one exception that’s out of the school district’s control – the news came down earlier this week that the actual elevator won’t be available for the 2024 football season. The elevator is designed to take elderly and handicapped fans to a landing outside the press box.

“Unless there’s something that happens, the elevator itself is on back order,” Bagley explained. “That’s been something we didn’t know for sure but Monday we got that final confirmation, but it’ll be all ready to be put in for next year. Our elderly and our handicapped (fans) – we’re going to try everything we can to get some people up there in a safe manner.”

“We’re already in action to make sure that we have the handicapped platform in the northwest corner again so people can see the best they can and we’re open to suggestions where else to that maybe couldn’t get up to that platform,” he added. “The news is better to get sooner than later to make sure we make preparations to accommodate all the people.”

Bagley also informed the board that parking will be expanded in the grassy area outside of Eggerss Stadium and will double in size compared to last year.

The first phase of the massive Eggerss Stadium renovation project began last spring and went up to the start of the 2023 football season. It included concrete restoration, a refurbished Cougar Pride Wall, wider steps and hand rails, a brighter shade of paint, a renovated scoreboard and the installation of artificial turf.

Voters approved a bond issue in May of 2022 to help cover the cost of the massive overhaul of the stadium.

POSTED: 05/23/24 at 3:39 am. FILED UNDER: News