The Van Wert County Courthouse

Thursday, Jun. 27, 2024

Council addresses tax abatement, more

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

While the possibility of lifting a ban on medical marijuana facilities dominated Monday’s Van Wert City Council meeting, several other pieces of legislation were addressed during the 96-minute session.

After hearing an update from Van Wert Area Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Brent Stevens, council voted 6-0 to extend a tax abatement agreement with Alliance Automation. Stevens told council members that Alliance has plans for a 70,000 square foot addition to its existing building, which will result in 100 new jobs.

Law Director John Hatcher’s office will move to the Van Wert Muncipal Court building. Scott Truxell/VW independent

“This is exciting for Van Wert because we were in a competitive situation where they were potentially looking at going out of town for this expansion, potentially over in Indiana or up in Michigan,” Stevens said.

The abatement, commonly referred to as an enterprise zone agreement, is 100 percent for 15 years on the expansion. It still needs the approval of the Van Wert City Schools Board of Education and the Van Wert County Commissioners.

Another piece of legislation that was unanimously approved was an ordinance authorizing Mayor Ken Markward to sign a quit claim deed conveying 2.94 acres of land at Vision Industrial Park for more development at Vision Industrial Park. Stevens told council that the land, at the corner of Production Drive and John Brown Road, just off of U.S. 30, will be the site of Highway 30 Truck Wash. He noted there are currently no truck washes between Fort Wayne and Beaverdam.

Council members also approved an ordinance allowing Safety-Service Director Jay Fleming to advertise and award contracts for the E. Main St. water main replacement project.

“This is Issue 1 money that we received about 18 months ago, about $450,000 that was earmarked to replace water mains starting at Cherry St. and going east on Main St.,” Fleming explained.

He added like everything else, prices have gone up and he said the city applied for stimulus money but didn’t get it. The project will now cost approximately $650,000 and it hasn’t yet been determined how far along E. Main St. the project will go.

At the request of At-Large Councilman Jeff Kallas, the second reading of an ordinance that would eliminate each of council’s seven committees was tabled. Kallas requested it be held until all city council members are present to vote. Councilwoman At-Large Jana Ringwald was absent from Monday’s meeting, and Third Ward Councilman Jordan Dettrow informed council he’ll be absent from the next two meetings due to a professional commitment in Washington DC. The first vote on the ordinance was 5-2, but it will ultimately require six votes in favor to pass.

Along with a 5-1 vote second reading vote to rescind a ban on medical marijuana dispensaries in the city limits, council members also voted 5-1 in favor of an ordinance that would allow a licenses dispensary to be placed in the B-3 zoning district.

Law Director John Hatcher’s office appears to be on the move. During Monday’s meeting, Hatcher noted his current office in the Municipal Building is cramped and he requested permission to move it to available space in the Van Wert Municipal Court building. He requested legislation be prepared that would allow him to make the move. 

The next regular meeting of Van Wert City Council will be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 24, in Council Chambers on the second floor of the Municipal Building, 515 E. Main St. Prior to the meeting, at 6 p.m., a Committee of the Whole meeting will held held to discuss the police station. First Ward Councilman Jeff Agler asked for the meeting but did not elaborate.

POSTED: 06/12/24 at 3:44 am. FILED UNDER: News