Board cruises through light agenda
SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor
CONVOY — Crestview’s monthly school board meeting consisted of mostly routine items.
The largest chunk of the meeting was discussing a recent facilities planning meeting. Information is being gathered to possibly explore upgrading Crestview’s indoor and outdoor athletic facilities. Board members Brad Perrott and Andy Perrott provided information and a full presentation to the board is expected by the end of summer or early fall.

One year contracts were approved for Kourtney Wagner-Lichtensteiger, elementary intervention specialist; Lauren Schumm, elementary teacher; Alexis Baker, paraprofessional; Jada Preston, custodian, and Nathanial Smith, outdoor maintenance/custodian. The board also approved an amended contract for Lori Orsbon, district administrative assistant.
Alison Sawmiller provided notice that she will not seek re-employment as varsity head softball coach, and board members accepted the resignation of Rebekah Leatherman as a paraprofessional at the Crestview Early Childhood Center.
The board agreed to purchase the services of a school resource officer from the Van Wert County Sheriff’s Office for the 2024-2025 school year, and the board also approved a seventh grade field to Columbus May 8-9 with teacher Jason Cross, and an eighth grade field trip to Washington DC with teacher James Lautzenheiser May 5-9.
In other business, the board agreed to transfer $10,000 from the general fund to the athletic fund, and the board approved the fiscal year 2025 service contract with the Western Buckeye Educational Service Center.
At the end of the meeting, board members met in executive session to discuss the employment and/or compensation of employees but outside of adjournment, no action was taken afterward.
The next meeting of the Crestview Local Schools Board of Education will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, July 15, in the multi-purpose room.
POSTED: 06/18/24 at 3:42 am. FILED UNDER: News