The Van Wert County Courthouse

Monday, Jan. 20, 2025

Central Insurance retirees meet again

Submitted information

Central Insurance retirees met on July 24 at Pizza Hut in Van Wert with the following retirees in attendance: Loren Shindeldecker, Val Sluterbeck, Dewaine Johnson, Doug Watson, Paula Giessler-Scott, Luanne Watson (Guest), Annette Hirschy, Chuck White, Vivian Langhals, Marilyn Gruss, Claudia Pontius, Cindy Canary, Sue Karst, Susan Gunsett, Terri Ulrey, Liz Hoersten, Rhonda Altman, Lori Klinger, Carol Giesken, Dorothy Helmke, Marcia Birkemeier, Linda Holden, Ruth Ricker, Deb Boroff, Pam Linton, Kay Sluterbeck (Guest), and Phil Steinen.

Central Insurance retirees recently enjoyed a group lunch. Photo submitted

Everyone enjoyed their favorite dish and enjoyed exciting conversation. A small group after lunch set up shop in the corner of the banquet room and played some games of Euchre.

The next Central Insurance retiree’s luncheon will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, August 28 at Pizza Hut. All Central retirees are invited to meet monthly at Pizza Hut for lunch and conversation to keep up with everyone’s life activities.

POSTED: 07/30/24 at 6:47 am. FILED UNDER: Lifestyles