Central retiree meeting
Central Insurance retirees met on August 28 at Pizza Hut in Van Wert with the following in attendance: Doug Watson, Sharon Baer, Vivian Langhals, Cindy Canary, Cindy Becker, Rhonda Altman, Terri Ulrey, Annette Hirschy, Nancy Wollenhaupt, Jana Ringwald, Barb Brinkman, Dorothy Helmke (Retiree of the Month), Marcia Birkemeier, Linda Holden, Phil Steinen, Sue Karst, Chuck White, and Dewaine Johnson (not in photo). The group caught up on activities since the last meeting and appreciated everyone’s company. The next retiree’s luncheon will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, September 25, at Pizza Hut. All Central retirees are invited to the monthly meeting. Photo submitted
POSTED: 09/02/24 at 9:07 pm. FILED UNDER: Lifestyles