The Van Wert County Courthouse

Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025

Retired teachers group to meet Oct. 11

Submitted information

The Van Wert Area Retired Teachers Association (VWARTA) will meet at 12 p.m. Friday, October 11, for its fall luncheon program and meeting at Willow Bend Country Club.

The meal cost is $11 and includes ham w/ pineapple glaze, scalloped potatoes, California blend vegetables, gelatin salad, dinner roll, and apple crisp, along with coffee/tea. Meal reservations are needed by Wednesday October 9, and can be made to Jean Minnig at 419.203.0642, or by emailing

The luncheon speaker will be Van Wert City Schools Assistant Superintendent Bob Priest. His presentation will address the effects of Ohio’s school voucher program on public cchools. The school voucher program affects public education, taxpayers, and the STRS pension plan. STRS pension updates and information will be shared during the business meeting to follow.

Volunteer hours for 2024 will be collected at this meeting. VWARTA dues of $10 for year 2025 may also be paid at this time. ORTA members are reminded to check the status of their ORTA membership as dues dates vary. ORTA continues to advocate for public education and a strong Ohio educator pension system.

POSTED: 10/05/24 at 12:00 am. FILED UNDER: Lifestyles, News