The Van Wert County Courthouse

Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025

Resident sounds off on Issue 1

To the Editor,

There are plenty of signs on Van Wert lawns, and even a letter here, calling for a No vote on Issue 1 in November. It’s easy to understand why. The Republicans in the State legislature hate it. By extension, the Governor, Attorney General, and the State Supreme Court also hate it. So they have manipulated the wording of the issue on the ballot so that it sounds like the most evil attempt to remove the ability of citizens to vote in the history of the United States.

The earlier letter described a horribly gerrymandered district, which resembles many we’ve actually had in this state since the Republicans took control of the legislature. I do not know if it would be possible to create such a district under Issue 1, but I do know that if it is possible, then it is also possible to do so under our current Constitution. Because the requirements for redistricting under Issue 1 are the same as the current Constitution. The only changes are to who will be doing the redistricting. 

According to the enemies of Issue 1, the citizen commission will be required to gerrymander districts to favor the current two political parties. That is exactly what the current constitution does. And the Republicans in our state government don’t seem to have a problem with it now. That may be because they violated those provisions of the Constitution 7 times, while they wouldn’t be able to do so if Issue 1 passes.

We’ve passed attempts to eliminate gerrymandering in our state redistricting twice now. And both attempts have suffered from the same flaw. They left the power of redistricting in the hands of the politicians who benefit from the final result. Other states have removed the power from the politicians, and gotten better, fairer districts as a result.

Is time for Ohio to do the same. Put citizens in control of the redistricting process and keep the politicians out. Otherwise, we’re just setting the fox to guard the hen house. 

Tom Brincefield 

Van Wert

POSTED: 10/20/24 at 10:07 pm. FILED UNDER: Letters to the Editor