The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Feb. 7, 2025

Convoy resident supports Brown

To the Editor:

I first met Sherrod Brown twenty years ago at a church outreach center in Cleveland, Ohio. He was still a member of the US House of Representatives, but was focused on issues that impact all Ohioans like working to ensure living wages for working families, equal access to quality healthcare opportunities, and dedicated resources for improved public education around the state. Since Sherrod Brown has joined the US Senate he has continued to place an emphasis on advocating for issues that can improve the lives of hard-working Ohio families.

That’s why I’m supporting Sherrod Brown for US Senate again this year.  What stands out to me about Sherrod is that he knows that unions have built the middle class in this country, and he repeatedly stands up for workers and fights to guarantee the right to collectively bargain at the workplace. While other politicians seem more interested in stirring up arguments and sowing seeds of disunion, Sherrod rolls up his sleeves and works on real solutions for Ohioans. 

If you’re like me, you are sick and tired of the negative ads on TV, and there are a few that are 100 percent lies. I can promise you, as your neighbor, that Sherrod Brown never voted to allow men to play in women’s sports, and he absolutely did not vote to give benefits to people who are in this country illegally. It’s really disturbing that his opponent is spreading those lies during this election to score some cheap points before we vote. I like that Sherrod focuses on issues that are important to working families across Ohio: cutting taxes for middle-class families and working to lower the cost of gas and groceries. He takes on the tough fights in Congress: protecting our farms from being sold to China and standing up to anyone in either party who wants to ship Ohio jobs overseas.  Politics can feel ugly these days, so I thought I should send a letter to my neighbors about why I’m voting for Sherrod Brown. I hope that you’ll consider voting for him, too. 

Thank you,

James Lautzenheiser


POSTED: 10/28/24 at 12:15 pm. FILED UNDER: Letters to the Editor