The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Jan. 17, 2025

Council covers a wide variety of matters

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

Leeson Ave and leaf pickup were just two of several topics addressed during Monday night’s meeting of Van Wert City Council.

Safety-Service Director Jay Fleming told council members that slip pouring of Leeson Ave. curbs began Monday afternoon and he said concrete work should wrap up this (Tuesday) afternoon. He added paving work is scheduled to begin Wednesday morning.

Van Wert Area Economic Development Director Brent Stevens makes a funding request for 2025. Scott Truxell/Van Wert independent

“We’re excited about that and paving will be at least four days, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday,” he said. “There is a remote chance that they would do some paving on Sunday…we haven’t gotten that request yet but we will honor that and allow them to do that since we’re running out of good weather. It probably depends on what happens Thursday with the forecasted rain.”

He added that driveway and sidewalk work will begin next week.

“It’s starting to look like a street down there,” he said.

Fleming said leaf pickup in Van Wert will begin on Tuesday, November 12, and will continue until Friday, December 6, and he said leaves must be in paper biodegradable bags.

City Auditor Erika Blackmore presented an early draft of the city’s 2025 budget and said she’d like to see it approved in time for January 1. Council members are expected to discuss the proposed budget at future meetings.

Council members heard the first reading of three ordinances dealing with three percent pay increases for certain city employees, including the service department, auditor’s office, income tax and administration, and non-union police and fire employees, and a five percent raise for municipal court employees. Council requested municipal court officials attend the next meeting to explain the reasons for a larger increase. All three ordinances had the first of three readings.

Van Wert Area Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Brent Stevens requested $80,000 in funding for 2025 and noted the agency’s financing comes from several difference sources.

He also gave a brief update on several projects and he’ll announce next month who purchased the spec building at Vision Industrial Park. He also said Melhorn Trucking is in the process of getting final permits and hopes to break ground by the of the year. Alliance Automation’s plans for a 70,000 square foot expansion continue, which should result in approximately 100 new jobs. He noted an offer has been made for some property at the Mega Site, but nothing has been finalized.  

After a quick update on blighted properties, First Ward Councilman Jeff Agler said new construction is taking place in his ward and he said with that in mind, he wants action taken on an eyesore – the old hospital building on Central Ave.

“People are investing money in the first ward and I’m not going to let a property that’s been a nuisance, an eyesore for 10-12 years just keep going,” Agler said. “I’m going to be heavy on that process…I’m going to pressure or do whatever I have to do.”

Before the meeting, council members held a public hearing on a rezoning request for Young’s Waste on N. Vine St. from R-1 to I-1. There were no comments and the hearing lasted less than 30 seconds.

Due to the Veterans Day holiday, which is on Monday, November 11, the next meeting of Van Wert City Council will be held at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 13, in Council Chambers on the second floor of the Municipal Building, 515 E. Main St.

POSTED: 10/28/24 at 9:04 pm. FILED UNDER: News