The Van Wert County Courthouse

Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025

Local YWCA to hold Glow Bowl event

VW independent staff/submitted information

January is Human Trafficking Awareness month and the YWCA of Van Wert County is planning a variety of events to call attention to and raise funds to assist victims of human trafficking in the area and across the nation.

The mission of the YWCA of Van Wert County is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. Human Trafficking, at its core, strips people of their dignity and freedom, and treats victims as commodities for purchase.

73 percent of victims come from sex trafficking, the most prevalent and widely known, followed by forced labor (14 percent). Many people believe it is primarily an international problem, when in reality, 80 percent of trafficking victims in 2011 were American citizens. Nationally, Ohio ranks fourth in human trafficking incidences. A statistic that often shocks people is that over 60 percent of victims know or are acquainted with their trafficker either as a family member (33 percent) or an intimate partner (28 percent).

“There is a misconception that human trafficking looks like the kidnapping scenarios in movies,” said Jamie Evans, YWCA Director of Survivor Services. “More often than not, traffickers are someone the victim already has a relationship with prior to being trafficked such as a boyfriend, parent or other family member.”

As part of their awareness efforts, the YWCA is hosting a bowling event to raise funds with proceeds benefiting their human trafficking services. Blackout Human Trafficking: GLOW BOWL 2025, is planned for 1-4 p.m. Sunday, January 19, at Olympic Lanes in Van Wert. A percentage of the day’s sales will be donated to YWCA Human Trafficking Programs and there will also be a 50-50 raffle. Participants will be bowling under black lights and are encouraged to wear neon.

“Glow Bowl is always a fun and informational event and this year it falls on a long weekend for many people (due to Martin Luther King Day),” said Julie Schaufelberger, YWCA Outreach Coordinator. “Families can enjoy an afternoon of bowling, have some delicious food and not have to worry about the hustle and bustle of getting kids ready for school the next day,”

The YWCA offers a 24-7 hotline for victims to call for help (567.259.9501) and they serve victims from anywhere in the United States. As part of its community training services, the YWCA provides free HT 101 trainings to schools, businesses or service organizations interested in learning more about the subject.

More information about trainings, upcoming events, donation opportunities and YWCA programs may be found at

The YWCA is an agency of The United Way of Van Wert County.

POSTED: 01/08/25 at 9:55 pm. FILED UNDER: News