The Van Wert County Courthouse

Monday, May. 6, 2024

GOP member raps Covid-19 letter

To the Editor:

I am writing regarding the Mercer County Republican Central Committee’s letter of June 3  to Governor DeWine criticizing his administration for the manner in which it is reopening Ohio. The letter states “Too many of our fellow Republicans are angry, disappointed, and dismayed at the big government approach you continue to take to a problem that no longer requires such intrusive methods.”

I am a member of the Van Wert County Republican Central Committee representing Van Wert City Precinct 1B. Van Wert County and several others also signed this letter. I was one of the few dissenters.

Governor DeWine and his team have been recognized nationally as being one the most proactive in the fight against Covid-19. 

I do not believe any of the Central Committees endorsing this letter has the knowledge or resources to decide what is safe and what is not. In my opinion, this is a nothing more than irresponsible, childish,  whiny selfishness. I do not like our current situation any better than anyone else, but I believe I have the common sense to trust public health issues to healthcare professionals.

I find it ironic that Mercer County initiated this letter. At 257 cases, Mercer County has the highest number of Coivid-19 cases of all surrounding counties, plus Allen County. In the northwest section of Ohio, Mercer County is in third place behind Lucas and Wood counties.

Mercer County’s per-capita rate calculates out to some 629 cases per 100,000 population. Compare this to the state per-capita of 309 cases per 100,000. Mercer County has the eighth highest per-capita in the state.  It is also higher than Indiana and Michigan.

If there ever was a good example of why we need a cautious reopening, it’s Mercer County.

Please, wear your masks, wash your hands, be safe, be smart.

Chris Wilson

Van Wert County Republican Central Committee 
via email

POSTED: 06/24/20 at 6:44 am. FILED UNDER: Letters to the Editor