The Van Wert County Courthouse

Sunday, May. 12, 2024

Odds and ends from Tuesday’s election

VW independent news

It was a clean sweep for the bond issue to renovate Eggerss Stadium.

A breakdown shows the 20-year, 1.15 mill bond issue was approved in each of the 20 precincts that comprise the Van Wert City School district. The widest margin was in Van Wert Precinct 3B, where 110 voters cast ballots in favor of the issue, while just 17 voted no. The narrowest margin was in Ohio City, where 61 voters said yes and 55 voted against the issue.


According to the Ohio School Boards Association, voters across Ohio approved 65 percent of the school tax issues on Tuesday’s primary ballot. 13 of 34 (38 percent) of new school tax requests were approved by voters. There was strong support for the renewal of school tax proposals, with 36 of the 41 issues earning approval, an 88 percent passage rate.


The natural gas aggregation issue was approved in 13 of 16 precincts outside of the Van Wert city limits. It was voted down in Union Township and Willshire, and tied in Jackson Township.

The same issue was approved in all 15 precincts in the City of Van Wert.

Auditor’s race

A breakdown of the Republican primary race for Van Wert County Auditor shows challenger Jami Bradford won in 38 of 39 precincts. The exception was Delphos 3C, where incumbent Phillip Baxter received two more votes, 23-21.

Voter turnout

According to the Van Wert County Board of Elections, turnout for Tuesday’s primary election was better than anticipated, with 27.8 percent of registered voters casting ballots.

Of the 5,597 ballots cast, 3,590 were on Election Day, while 2,007 were done via absentee or early voting.

POSTED: 05/05/22 at 3:40 am. FILED UNDER: News