The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Jun. 21, 2024

Monday Mailbag: HS, college football

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

This week’s Monday Mailbag includes a comment about Glenville, good thoughts on Van Wert and the College Football Playoff.

Q: As I previously pointed out, in 2018 they (Glenville) were found to be cheating and recruiting so they were not allowed to participate in the OHSAA playoffs. As you pointed out they have dropped from Division I to Division IV over a few years. Now they have 11 Division I potential players. As I stated before, are they a honest contender?

I hope the OHSAA has done due diligence on teams not just Glenville but any team that may have a past of stacking the deck. Enough said, I read an article out of northeast Ohio that Ted Ginn stated,” we have yet to become a complete team, even though we have very good athletes.” I know for a fact the Van Wert Cougars are a true team. Jim Bloomfield, VWHS Class of 1978

A: I’ll give them the move from Division I to Division II when the OHSAA went to seven divisions. That part was legit. As for now, it’s my understanding that at least some of the football players are coming from the Ginn Academy, which is described by many as a magnet school. Apparently, those students don’t count against enrollment.

As far as being an honest contender, yes, Glenville is a contender for the Division IV title. Will they win the whole thing? That remains to be seen. The Tarblooders have been penalized 22 times over the past two weeks and had five turnovers against Van Wert. That’s not a sign of good discipline.

Yes indeed, Van Wert is a true team.

C: First of all, let me say congratulations to Glenville. I believe they’re going to be your state champs. I want to thank coach Recker and the entire team for how hard they worked this year. It was a great ride and I enjoyed it. There still No. 1 to me. They have taken this team places we have never been as a football team the last three years and brought city pride to Van Wert. Thanks for a job well done. Cougar pride is alive and well! I would also like to thank you as the sportswriter for all your great stories and all your hard work this year keeping us up on our Van Wert Cougars. Jeff Perry, 1981 Cougar, Nashville, Tennessee

A: Hi Jeff – Well put and I think you’ve spoken for a lot of Van Wert fans. What a ride it’s been these last three years. Lots of wins, a state title and most important, lots of memories for the players, coaches and fans.

Thank you for your kind words and I’m glad you’ve enjoyed our coverage of the Cougars.

Q: With how the college football season has gone there are really three teams that have separated themselves by being in the top five all season. It looks like win or lose both Ohio State and Michigan are deserving of spots in the playoffs. With Alabama and Georgia both making it last year it wouldn’t be a precedent. Your thoughts? Mike Schumm

A: I’m not sold on the loser of Ohio State and Michigan actually winding up in the playoffs. Could it happen? Yes. Will it? I have doubts, especially if Ohio St. loses at home to TTUN.

Do they both deserve playoff spots? Perhaps, but both have some issues. Ohio St. is dealing with injuries and while continuing to win, it seems like it’s been a struggle. Michigan’s passing game isn’t exactly among the best in the country and if Blake Corum isn’t at full strength on Saturday, that could be a problem.

There are some other factors – if USC beats Notre Dame and wins the Pac-12 championship game, the Trojans are a lock for one of the spots. What if TCU wins out – do the Horned Frogs get a spot? What about Clemson?

Here’s my prediction: Georgia is in, the OSU/Michigan winner is in, assuming they win the Big 10 championship game too. USC is in, if they win out, then TCU or Clemson. However, if Notre Dame beats USC, It’s Georgia, OSU, Michigan and TCU. How’s that for clarity?

The Monday Mailbag will return on Monday, December 5.

POSTED: 11/21/22 at 4:39 am. FILED UNDER: Sports