The Van Wert County Courthouse

Friday, Jun. 28, 2024

Monday Mailbag: playoff format, Day

SCOTT TRUXELL/independent editor

This week’s Monday Mailbag includes questions about the 16-team per region playoff format as it pertains to Crestview, a venue question and Ryan Day.

Q: You’ve made it pretty clear that you don’t like the 16-team football playoff format. What do you think of it now after Crestview’s win over Tiffin Calvert, a 15-seed knocking off a 2-seed? Name withheld upon request

A: You’re right, I’m on record as saying I’m not a fan of it and I’m still not a fan, but I’m extremely happy for Crestview, the coaches, the kids and the fans. In fact, I picked the Knights to win the game. Many people view it as an upset and in terms of seeding it was, but when you look at other factors, maybe it wasn’t. I truly believe Crestview’s regular season schedule was superior to Calvert’s (four state ranked teams on it) and I truly believe it was a factor.

Remember, it was never supposed to be 16 teams per region. When the Ohio High School Athletic Association considered expanding the playoffs, the Ohio High School Football Coaches Association signed off on a 12-team per region format and that’s what it was supposed to be. Then OHSAA decided to go with 16.

Crestview’s win was great and it’s exciting that the Knights are advancing on to Week No. 12. Now take a look at the rest of the results around the area and the state. Blowouts left and right, and a lot of games that weren’t at all competitive. Crestview’s win was the exception, not the rule.

Q: I have a question for you. What if Lima Sr.’s next playoff game was at home. What are the chances Crestview and Lima Central Catholic would have been played at Crestview? Name withheld upon request

A: Probably slim to none. The most likely scenario would have been the game was moved to someplace like Shawnee or Bath, assuming either one would have been willing to host the game. It’s just like the Calvert-Crestview game. If the home venue isn’t available, the host team tries to find a suitable alternative.

Another possibility would have been the game could have been bumped to Saturday. If all other options were exhausted, then the game might have been moved to Crestview.

Q: When is Ohio State going to wake up and fire Ryan Day? This team is easily the worst he’s had since he’s been head coach. Name withheld upon request

A: Let me get this straight – you want to fire a guy with a record of 53-6, including 8-0 this season, with no losses, ever, to an unranked team?

Now, I’ll agree this year’s team has some weaknesses – the offensive line might be average on a good day and that’s probably a stretch. Kyle McCord isn’t flashy but he’s actually the leading passer in the Big 10, so is quarterback actually a weakness?

Just remember – a win is a win, no matter how pretty or how ugly, but let’s say Day is fired. Then what? What’s the plan? Who’s the next guy that will do a better job?

If you have a question or comment for the next Monday Mailbag, please email it to

POSTED: 10/30/23 at 3:46 am. FILED UNDER: Sports