The Van Wert County Courthouse

Saturday, May. 18, 2024

Marsh youths complete service projects

VW independent/submitted information

For the past several years, the youths at The Marsh Foundation have completed service projects during their spring break that revolve around the theme of serving others. This year, they continued their efforts.

Marsh Activities Coordinator Sherry Grone coordinated the week’s projects. To start, a group of independent living aged youths prepared and served the Good Friday evening meal at the Van Wert Bread & Bowl at First United Methodist Church.

Marsh logo 8-2010The Marsh girls spent time helping with the Van Wert Easter Egg Hunt and a small group also volunteered at the Humane Society’s Animal Shelter, cleaning and socializing animals in need of extra care. During the week, they also took a trip to Fort Wayne, Indiana, and worked at Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry, serving a record 388 people.

One group of boys volunteered at the Lima Rescue Mission, serving dinner to homeless men and cleaning up after the meal, while another group went to Habitat for Humanity Restore in Lima and learned how the organization builds homes and empowers people in need. The boys then helped to clean and organize the supply area in the store.

Service is a strong component of The Marsh program that works to instill a sense of stewardship in its youth.

George, Hilinda, and Katie Marsh left a strong legacy by being compassionate and helping the less fortunate in the Van Wert community. Hilinda, especially, left behind writings that were very spiritual in nature.

In her funeral memorial it was quoted, “Many were the days when she went about in her well-provisioned carriage, helping the sick and needy, in the very joy of her Master who went about doing good. In the church [she was] a humble and conscientious follower of the Christ; a leader for years in the Ladies’ Society of the church. Our sense of loss is deep; we shall ever hold her services in grateful remembrance.”

The Marsh Foundation continues to build on and carry out that legacy and this is the inspiration behind these service projects.

The mission of The Marsh Foundation is to inspire hope, to teach and to care for children and families. For more information about The Marsh, visit

POSTED: 04/09/16 at 3:50 am. FILED UNDER: News