Community Christmas Project begins
The Jr. High Student Council will be collecting donations for their annual Community Christmas Project the week of December 5-9. Last year’s drive resulted in over $600 worth of monetary donations used to help five Lincolnview families.
Once again, council members Mrs. Dowdy, and Mrs. Sheets, along with other staff members, will be raising money for this worthy cause by competing to see whether the council members or teachers can raise the most money. The group who raises the least will have to dress up in holiday related costumes for an entire school day before the holiday break. All donations, big and small, are greatly appreciated and can be given to any Junior High Council Student Council member or teacher during the week of the drive.
Don’t forget that the Basketball “6th man” jersey orders are due Monday, December 5. Show you Lancer support by being the “6th man” on the team and purchasing your jersey. Orders may be turned into the high school or elementary office.
Lancer temporary tattoos are in and will be on sale through Monday, December 5. Purchase 20 for $5, 10 for $3, or one for $0.50. Orders may be purchased from Mrs. Schnipke, a yearbook member, or the homeroom teacher.
POSTED: 11/30/11 at 2:01 pm. FILED UNDER: Lancer Lines