The Van Wert County Courthouse

Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025

 By Hope Wallace We wish to thank each and every one of you who came out to The Big Wassky on Saint Valentines Day! The Big Wassky kicked off at 7:30 p.m. and did not wind down until midnight with dancers on the floor until then. Distant Cousinz rocked the house and were a big […]

POSTED: 02/26/14 at 1:59 pm. FILED UNDER: What's Up at Wassenberg?

Estate of Mary D. Smith to Donald R. Smith, portion of inlots 38, 12, 13, Convoy. Basil L. Agler Jr., Glory L. Agler, Edwin W. Ainsworth and V. Lorene Agler to Nicholas P. Channell and Madison S. Channell, inlot 128, Ohio City. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Robert w. Lehman, inlot 2641, Van […]

POSTED: 02/26/14 at 1:39 pm. FILED UNDER: Real Estate Transfers

Crime Stoppers will pay you cash for information if it will help the Van Wert Police department solve a burglary that occurred at 418 George St. in Van Wert. Sometime between 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. on February 20, someone entered the residence and made off with  Xbox One (Day 1) and Xbox 360 slim […]

POSTED: 02/26/14 at 9:23 am. FILED UNDER: Crime Stoppers

DAVE MOSIER/independent sports Ottoville and Fort Jennings in Division IV boys’ basketball tournament action Tuesday at Van Wert High School. Both games were close, with Jennings beating Lima Temple Christian 48-44 and Ottoville needing overtime to put away Lincolnview, 70-66. The Big Green needed a big fourth quarter to send their game with Lincolnview into […]

POSTED: 02/26/14 at 8:56 am. FILED UNDER: Sports

Editor’s note: This article, written to promote the upcoming Peony Festival and Peony Pageant events, details the creation of the Peony Festival back in 1932. Peony Festival Committee information In 1932 there wasn’t a lot to celebrate. America was trying to recover from the catastrophic Great Depression. Hunger marches were advocating unemployment insurance. Unemployment was […]

POSTED: 02/26/14 at 8:25 am. FILED UNDER: News

DAVE MOSIER/independent editor The Van Wert County Board of Commissioners had a busy day on Tuesday, talking with a number of people in a series of meetings and conference calls throughout the day. The day began with a meeting with Twyla Hayes of Rockford-based Brand-It Marketing Communications, who made a presentation showing what her company […]

POSTED: 02/26/14 at 8:20 am. FILED UNDER: News

Van Wert independent/VWSO information Van Wert County Sheriff Thomas M. Riggenbach announced that several pounds of suspected marijuana were seized during a traffic stop. On Monday, a sheriff’s deputy initiated a traffic stop for a speeding violation. During the traffic stop, the Sheriff’s Office’s K-9, Kane, was used and gave a positive alert on the […]

POSTED: 02/26/14 at 8:17 am. FILED UNDER: News

Crestview Local Schools information CONVOY — In an effort to reduce the number of make-up calamity days that will be tacked on at the end of the year, Crestview will hold classes this Saturday, March 1. The use of this date was approved by the Crestview Local Board of Education more than two years ago.   […]

POSTED: 02/26/14 at 8:13 am. FILED UNDER: News

Lincolnview Local Schools information Lincolnview Local School District, in correlation with Ohio Revised Code 3313.64 or 3313.65, will again permit students from adjacent school districts to apply and enroll in the district’s schools through “Open Enrollment” for the 2014-2015 school year.  Applications will be accepted beginning April 1st on a first come, first serve basis […]

POSTED: 02/26/14 at 8:12 am. FILED UNDER: News

Van Wert Parks & Recreation Dept. The Van Wert fast-pitch softball league will be holding registration sign-ups at the Jubilee Park office on Saturday, March 8, from 10 a.m.-noon. Girls 15 years old and under are encouraged to register early.  Ages of participants are broken down into three age groups: Farmette (10 and Under), Buckeye […]

POSTED: 02/26/14 at 7:45 am. FILED UNDER: Sports