The Van Wert County Courthouse

Saturday, Jun. 22, 2024

VWCO Sheriff’s activity log 6/1/2022

Wednesday June 1, 2022 

4:33 a.m. – Dispatched Convoy EMS to a residence in the Village of Convoy for a sick person.

5:37 a.m. – Dispatched Middle Point EMS to a residence in the Village of Middle Point for a subject with back pain.

8 a.m. – Dog Warden responded to a residence in the City of Van Wert to check the welfare of dogs. 0913 hrs. – Deputies assisted with a funeral escort from the City of Van Wert to Taylor Cemetery.

11:52 a.m. – Deputies responded to an area on U.S. 224 in Pleasant Township on a complaint of motorist moving road closed signs.

12:26 p.m. – Deputies responded to an area of Dutch John Road in Union Township on a complaint of semi-trucks traveling the road to avoid a detour. 

13:11 p.m. – Deputies took a complaint from a residence in the City of Van Wert ref to the welfare of children at a residence in York Township.

4 p.m. – Deputies served a warrant issued by Van Wert County Common Pleas Court for community control violations. Jeffrey Lee Kallas, 22, was served and is being held in the Van Wert County Correctional Facility. 

4:03 p.m. – Deputies responded to a residence in the City of Van Wert to assist a motorist locked out of their vehicle.
4:50 p.m. – Deputies responded to the Village of Elgin as a peace officer while a subject retrieved property.

4:50 p.m. – Deputies responded to a residence in the Village of Convoy to assist a motorist locked out of their vehicle. 

5:46 p.m. – Dispatched Middle Point Fire to a location in Jackson Township to a motor vehicle fire. Deputies responded to assist with traffic.

7:29 p.m. – Deputies responded to a location in Jackson Township to replace road closed signs that had been moved from the appropriate location.

10:41 p.m. – Deputies responded to a location in the Village of Willshire to investigate a complaint of someone tampering with a golf cart. 

POSTED: 06/02/22 at 7:20 pm. FILED UNDER: Law Enforcement