The Van Wert County Courthouse

Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025

VWCO Sheriff’s activity log 10/7/2023

Saturday October 7, 2023

6:36 a.m. – Deputies responded to a commercial alarm at a location on Ohio 117 in Jennings Township.

10:21 a.m. – Deputies responded to a location on Main Street in the City of Van Wert to assist a motorist locked out of their vehicle.

11:23 a.m. – Deputies responded to an area of U.S. 127 in Liberty Township to check an occupied disabled vehicle.

12:26 p.m. – Dispatched Van Wert EMS to a location on Main Street in the City of Van Wert for a subject having seizures.

4:29 p.m. – Dispatched Middle Point EMS to a residence on Lincoln Highway in Ridge Township for a subject having difficulty breathing.

5:54 p.m. – Deputies made a citizens assist to a residence on Converse Roselm Road in Jackston Township.

7:04 p.m. – Deputies responded to a location on U.S. 127 in Union Township to investigate a breaking and entering to a barn.

7:45 p.m. – Deputies responded to an area of Convoy Road in Jackson Township for a report of a stop sign being down.

7:47 p.m. – Deputies responded to an area of Chestnut Street in the Village of Middle Point on a report of two loud explosions that shook the house.

8:23 p.m. – Deputies served a warrant issued by Van Wert County Common Pleas Court for two counts of theft. Brian Anthony Cutlip, 40, of Van Wert is being held at the Van Wert County Correctional Facility.

9:16 p.m. – Deputies responded to an area of Jonestown Road in York Township on a complaint of a stray dog.

POSTED: 10/10/23 at 7:34 am. FILED UNDER: Law Enforcement