The Van Wert County Courthouse

Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025

Piecemaker quilt group keeps busy

Submitted information

The Piecemaker Quilt Group at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church recently reached a new milestone by completing over 300 quilts for donation to Lutheran World Relief. Lutheran World Relief in turn sends these quilts wherever needed, here at home and around the world. Depending on the need, these quilts are not only used for warmth but also for shelter.

Pictured are just a few of the weekly volunteers (left to right): Nancy Wolverton, Lisa Merkle, Joan Holland, Karen Ottenweller, Carol, Dot Burley, Cindy Gardner, Carol Greulach, Jo Holman, Kathy Staley and Carol Doner. Photo submitted

St. Mark’s Piecemakers have been in existence for over 40 years. Members from the congregation as well as women from the community meet most Tuesdays for quilt making and fellowship. They work with donated fabrics, sewing the quilt tops, layer in batting, adding backing and finishing by tying all layers together. The quilts are then boxed for shipping. Once a year they assemble the boxed quilts, load them onto a trailer for delivery to a Lutheran World Relief warehouse and final processing. This year was especially notable as it’s the first time the total surpassed 300.

The group invites interested persons to join them from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays. Sewing skills are not required. The church is located at the corner of N. Washington St. and W. Sycamore St. in Van Wert. For more information, please contact the church office 419.238.6336.

POSTED: 11/12/23 at 3:25 pm. FILED UNDER: Church