The Van Wert County Courthouse

Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025

CNB holding Customer Appreciation Day

Submitted information

Area residents and businesses are invited to Citizen’s National Bank’s Customer Appreciation Day celebration from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, September 27, at the Van Wert office, 1199 Westwood Drive. Free pulled pork or brat sandwiches, chips and ice cream will be served. Attendees may enter to win a variety of door prizes.

This is an annual event the office hosts to show appreciation for its customers. With the convenience of online banking and drive-thru services, many customers don’t visit the office throughout the year.

“We really enjoy taking the time to mingle with our customers in person and show our appreciation for the trust they place in us,” said Al Saylor, Van Wert City President.

Citizens National Bank is a community bank with a special focus on small business and agriculture.

POSTED: 09/21/24 at 1:03 am. FILED UNDER: Business