The Van Wert County Courthouse

Sunday, Jun. 23, 2024

VWAEDC schedules annual meeting

Submitted information

The Van Wert Area Economic Development Corporation has announced its annual meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, June 17, in the community room at Vantage Career Center. Attendees should enter through Door No. 14. This event is open to the public and will provide a comprehensive review of the past year’s activities and a preview of upcoming initiatives.

A highlight of the evening will be the membership and nomination form process for an at-large board position open to all VWAEDC members. This position carries a two-year term and is a critical role within the organization. Interested members should contact the VWAEDC office for a nomination petition. The VWAEDC board includes city and county officials, appointed positions, and two at-large positions, ensuring diverse representation and leadership.

Community members interested in attending the meeting or participating in the organization are encouraged to contact the VWAEDC. Memberships cost $5 per year, which includes voting privileges. Membership inquiries and RSVPs for the meeting can be directed to, by calling 419.238.2999, or by visiting the office at 145 E. Main St., Van Wert.

POSTED: 05/23/24 at 3:36 am. FILED UNDER: Business, News